Biological vs Chronological Age
Aging starts as a molecular, biological process, and is eventually visible through physical and cognitive deterioration; impacting your health and quality of life. TruDiagnostic look at the micro, to help you modify the macro!
Their biological age test analyzes the molecules (your epigenetics) that impact how your DNA (genetics) is expressed. This process of silencing or amplifying certain sections of DNA is called DNA methylation, and patterns of methylation correlate with aging.
Biological Age is an easy way to estimate your risk factor for most age-related diseases and disorders. It also lets you track the effects of anti-aging interventions in real time.
The instructions for life, housed in our DNA, can not be changed. We are born with the same genetic profile that we will keep our entire life, regardless of any lifestyle or environmental conditions we encounter.
This makes some people more innately susceptible to advanced aging compared to others. Dealing with the fixed nature of our genetics is like getting dealt a specific hand in a card game.
While you can't change the cards themselves, you can control how they are played! Your epigenetics, simply put as the molecules that silence or amplify certain parts of your genes, sees significant impacts from lifestyle factors such as diet, physical activity, stress, environmental pollutants, and more. Changing your epigenetics is the most direct way to hack your DNA expression.
TruAge is the name of an epigenetic analysis based test, developed by TruDiagnostic that measures your current Biological Age, along with a suite of other metrics like your pace of aging, telomere length, the age of your immune system, and more.
TruAge tests by TruDiagnostic use epigenetic methylation markers and the latest generation of aging algorithms currently available in the scientific community. When you purchase a TruAge test kit, you will receive a box complete with all tools needed to collect a blood sample at home.
As a general rule of thumb, the TruAge COMPLETE kit is the go-to kit for those who are just starting to track their biological age. This kit includes all data reports available, including the novel OMICm Biological Age, and gives the most in-depth insight to various age-related biomarkers such as telomere length, impacts of smoke and alcohol exposure, immune system age, and much more.
The TruAge PACE kit is often purchased by those who began tracking their biological aging with a TruAge Complete kit, but now want a simplified way to gauge the success of their aging interventions. This kit includes our Pace of Biological Aging and Telomere Length reports only.